Wednesday, February 13, 2008

plastic bags: the immortality of humankind?

I'm feeling a little anti-plastic-baggy tonight and wanted to share this video and some blogging on the issue:

Small-scale film work of Brian Liloia: "The Immortality of Man"

Bag it Beagle Style ... from Michael Barton's (my husband) the "Dispersal of Darwin" blog.

San Francisco, China, Africa, Ireland... have all taken steps to ban, charge for, and/or discourage plastic bag use. Could Bozeman take this on and work to become plastic bag free?

You can also support the library at the same time and buy a sturdy canvas Bozeman Public Library book bag for only $15.00 in the Friends of the Library/Wild Joe's Coffee Shop. I use canvas bags to shlep all kinds of stuff; books, groceries, my son's toys, etc. I try to keep canvas bags in the car so I'm never without. Personally, I know I still need to cut down on (cut out) my plastic bag use...

Finally I wanted to share a new blog I've been reading "Live Lightly, Read Wildy: A Summer Reading Program the Earth Can Live With" and that blogger, Shannon in Illinois' thoughts on the subject, "Why Ban Plastics in Programs?".

Okay back to honing my plastic-bag-avoidance skills.

"No thank you I don't need a bag. I brought my own."


Michael D. Barton, FCD said...

Here's a post about plastic bags and trash in the oceans at the Shifting Baselines blog:

Librarian said...

Hi Catherine,

My personal blog is also:

There are some nice links to the right and I was sorely awakened by the LA times article.

I now ONLY carry canvas bags. I'm rather huge on this one.

Thanks for the shout! P.S. I ran across a fellow crunchy blogger from your hometown. I told her to pop in and see you! Shannon