It has been a quiet spring here on the green librarian blog.
I have to say it has not been for lack of material or issues (I see things in the world every day that give me green hope). I was in the tight grips of my last quarter at the University of Washington iSchool, struggling to reach out to Latinos in the community, and was consumed by a few ultimately unsuccessful employment leads.
I graduated from the iSchool with a Masters in Library and Information Science on Saturday June 14, 2008. I've been a grad student there longer than I have been a mommy and am now officially library schooled-out (thanks Pam for the t-shirt!).
My personal and professional goals for the summer are many. I want to jump on local opportunities for library employment, continue to excel as a Library Assistant at the Bozeman Public Library, and ramp up the effort to bring Gallatin County's Latino community into the public library.
For this blog my goal is to post on at least one green librarian related issue a week and give people a reason to come visit me here online again. I've had a few interesting inquiries from blog readers over the last few months and I'll finally be able to respond to them here (I'm sorry to have kept you waiting). I'm going to incorporate some book reviews of green literature here in the future as well.
Personally I am looking forward to being just a mommy and a professional. I know I will not regret taking the student out of that equation. I am already collecting fabric for a great quilt idea, have started baking all of our bread, and Patrick and I planted a mini garden (a watermelon and cucumber mound) right out our front door. I won't even tell you about the stack of books I've got waiting for me (I'm reading I Am America and So Can You right now just to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading trash).
Expect to see more of me here online in the coming months, I hope to see more of you too, that is what comments and discussion are for. If you start your own blog let me know, and I'll gladly come visit you there.
I have to say I am already enjoying the short Montana summer.
Great Picture, Catherine.
Sandra Fiegi
Yea you!
I checked your blog every so often to see if you were posting. I'm very excited to see "why" for the silence!!!! You sound like a very busy person....so good thoughts and luck!
Congrats, and many good thoughts. Shannon
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